Thursday, May 24, 2007

In G.W. Bush

The 'G' stands for "Green":

The 1.3 percent drop in CO{-2} emissions marks the first time that U.S. pollution linked to global warming has declined in absolute terms since 2001 and the first time it has gone down since 1990 while the economy was thriving. Carbon dioxide emissions declined in both 2001 and 1991, in large part because of economic slowdowns during those years.

This tees up some fun trivia:

Who is the the only of the last three US Presidents not to cut carbon emissions in a growing ecomnomy in any year of his presidency?

Or the even more fun:

Who is the the only of the last three US Presidents not to cut carbon emissions in any year of his presidency?

In either case, you'd better give your victims three guesses...

The thing with the whole global warming movement is that some practice, while some just preach.

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