Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Tyranny Day

At some point in the day you'll probably be beaten over the head with the some kind of propaganda connected to today being Earth Day.

But did you ever wonder why Earth Day is this particular day, April 22? And why the first one was April 22, 1970?

Because it is Lenin's birthday, and because the original was the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth. Which kind of tells you all you need to know about the modern green movement, and its vision for the world.

There has always been an anti-American segment, now concentrated mostly in academia and far left political circles, that sought to cover up and/or downplay the crimes of communism, the greatest evil in the history of human civilization. Even with the conclusive documentation of tens of millions of victims (of the roughly 150 million overall) and the voluminous historical proof offered by the release of Venona and Soviet archives, Soviet and communist apoligists still exist.

It just goes to show that if one hates/hated America enough, he will always find defenders on the fringe, no matter his sins. See Castro, Fidel and Chavez, Hugo.

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