Sunday, June 26, 2011

Don't stop there, NY

David Burge aka Iowahawk was on fire with some suggestions for the state of New York to pursue if they really give a damn about civil rights on his twitter feed (@iowahawk) yesterday, with some additions from his followers:

I think NY's married gay couples should be able to carry handguns legally.

I think NY's married gay couples should be free to smoke within 30 feet of a public building.

I think NY's married gay couples should be free to smoke, drink sugared soft drinks, and eat salty snacks with transfats.

I think NY's married gay couples should never have to pay more than 20% of their income to government.

I think NY's married gay couples should be able to open businesses without paying for 800 permits and licenses.

(From @KurtSchlichter) I think NY's married gay couples should be free of the burden of trillions in deadbeat-subsidizing federal debt. #Caring

(From @KurtSchlichter) I reckon that none of NY's married gay couples should have to pay one plum nickel to fund cowboy poetry slams. #Caring

(From @KurtSchlichter) I think NY's married gay couples should be able to protect themselves from homophobes by lawfully carrying concealed handguns

I think that If NY's married gay couples adopt kids, they should have a choice where to send them to school.

I think NY's married gay couples shouldn't be forced to pay for the fat pensions of NY's army of overpaid government time-wasters.

(From WAMK) I think that NY's married gay couples shouldn't have to gaze at their new marriage certificates under a CFL bulb.

(From @jtLOL) NY's married gay couples should be able to eat their own wedding cake without Bloomberg slapping it out of their hands.

I believe married gay couples in NY have the right to buy a gas-guzzling SUV.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

A CFL mea pulpa

Glenn Reynolds aka Instapundit was one of the first vocal supporters of replacing incandescent light bulbs with CFL's. It didn't turn out quite as well as he had hoped:

I have to say I’m deeply, deeply disappointed with CFL bulbs. I replaced pretty much every regular bulb in the house with CFLs, but they’ve been failing at about the same rate as ordinary long-life bulbs, despite the promises of multi-year service. And I can’t tell any difference in my electric bill. Plus, the Insta-Wife hates the light. I’ve had somewhat better luck with LED bulbs, of which I have a couple, but though the longevity is better, the light is still inferior.

So, to review...inferior light, higher up-front cost, no savings during usage, no savings from lasting longer.

Oh, and he forgot to mention the hazardous waste methods of disposing of broken bulbs, hope you don't have kids or pets!

How is it that this gratuitous transfer of wealth from consumers to major light bulb manufacturers has been allowed to stay on the books?

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